Articles of Association

Den Udenlandske Presseforening i Danmark

Foreign Press Association in Denmark
Union de la Presse étrangère au Danemark

These laws, adopted at the Annual General Meeting on 15 February 2001,
replace the Foreign Press Association’s laws of 19 February 1998 and with the latest additions and amendments as of 21 June 2016 and 11 May 2023.

Name, domicile and purpose

Article 1

The name of the Association is “The Foreign Press Association in Denmark” (“FPA”). Its registered office is Copenhagen.

Article 2

It is the purpose of the FPA to safeguard the journalistic interests of its members as correspondents for newspapers, magazines, news agencies, radio and television companies abroad, in particular by:

  • 1) representing the members in relation to authorities, press organisations, institutions, embassies and legations, including in connection with the issuance of press cards from a Danish authorised issuer.
  • 2) organising information meetings on topical occasions with representatives of the government, ministries, business and cultural life and visiting foreign delegations,
  • 3) working for cooperation with the Danish press,
  • 4) promoting good working conditions for foreign correspondents in Denmark
  • 5) maintaining good relations with, and cooperation with, the International Press Centre in Copenhagen
  • 6) organising professional and social excursions and gatherings.

Article 3

The board may appoint a working committee to deal with special tasks.


Article 4

  1. As a general rule, anyone who has a valid membership in another country’s journalists’ union can become a member of the FPA by presenting a membership certificate/press card. In special cases, the Board may ask for additional documentation.


  1. In addition, applicants are admitted who, regardless of nationality, can prove that they are journalists, photographers, videographers or radio or TV professionals covering Denmark for foreign or foreign-language media, under permanent employment or on a freelance basis.


  • 2.1. Applications for membership are discussed by the Board, which then approves or rejects membership. Decisions on the approval or rejection of membership applications must be made solely based on the applicant’s professional qualifications.
  • 2.2. A prerequisite for membership is a permanent address in Denmark.


  1. Long-standing members who are no longer working full-time or are retired can transition to senior membership. Senior members have the right to vote and stand for election. They do not pay membership fees but can keep their press cards. However, when renewing, they pay full price for the press card.


  1. Members who, after meritorious service in the FPA, may be elected honorary members by a general meeting resolution. These continue to have the right to vote and stand for election without being subject to membership fees.

(Former articles 5 and 6 and 7 deleted)

Article 8

The Board may admit diplomats and other persons whose activities may be of particular interest to the FPA as special members. This could be, for example, press attaches, employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or information officers.

Special members do not have the right to vote and are not eligible to stand for election. These members have access to the Foreign Press Association’s events.

(Former article 9 is deleted)


Membership fees, accounts, auditing, assets

Article 10

By requesting admission to the FPA, ordinary as well as special members undertake to pay the annual membership fee to the FPA within each financial year.

Admission to the FPA does not apply until the amount has been paid, which at the time of admission corresponds to the remaining part of the current financial year.

The annual membership fee is determined on the recommendation of the Board of Directors at an annual general meeting and applies unchanged until the Board of Directors makes a new recommendation and this is adopted.

Article 11

The financial year follows the calendar year. All disbursements must be settled before the end of the financial year. Otherwise, they will not be replaced.

The treasurer completes and signs the accounts and submits them no later than three weeks before the annual general meeting to the FPA’s elected auditor with all appendices. The annual accounts prepared by the treasurer or auditor are provided with an auditor’s report and, if possible, must be distributed to the members before the general meeting.

At the annual general meeting, the treasurer presents a report on the financial year. The auditor decides on the accounts and on the question of discharge. Voting is by show of hands.

Article 12

The FPA’s assets are set aside as follows:

1) The cash amount in the fund is kept as small as possible by transferring amounts to a giro or current bank account.

(Former paragraph 2 deleted)

3) No amount may be lent or otherwise exposed to risk. It is also not allowed to guarantee using the FPA’s funds.

The board is responsible for ensuring that these provisions are complied with. No one is otherwise liable for the FPA’s obligations, just as no one can claim the FPA’s assets or shares therein or for repayment of paid membership fees.

In the event of the dissolution of the FPA, the FPA’s assets are converted, according to the last annual general meeting’s decision, into a foundation for the benefit of foreign correspondents’ journalistic activities.

Article 12 a

The FPA is bound by the signature of the chairman of the board and the treasurer jointly. The chairman and treasurer can each have credit cards and online banking at their disposal for the FPA’s bank account.


Annual General Meeting

Article 13

The FPA’s highest authority within the framework of these statutes is every Annual General Meeting. It shall constitute a quorum when at least one fifth of the ordinary members are present after being summoned with at least one week’s notice by notification to all members.

If one fifth of the ordinary members are not present, a new general meeting is convened with the same notice, and this constitutes a quorum regardless of the number of members present.

The Annual General Meeting must take place no later than two months after the end of the financial year. An extraordinary general meeting shall take place if the Board of Directors so decides by a simple majority, or if it is requested by at least ten ordinary members by sending a formulated and signed member’s proposal for resolution. Notice of the meeting must be given as soon as possible after a decision or a request for an extraordinary general meeting.

Voting in general meetings is only possible in person. If at least three of those entitled to vote so request, the vote, with the exception of discharge, shall be in writing.

The FPA’s secretary keeps a record of decisions made. The minutes shall be signed by the chairman.

Article 14

The Annual General Meeting begins with the election of a chairman. The agenda for the AGM always contains, and without this requiring special information:

1) The chairman’s annual report on the FPA’s activities in the past year and proposals regarding the new year’s program

2) The treasurer’s report, estimates of expected income and expenses in the new financial year. Auditor’s opinions and vote on discharge in accordance with section 11.

3) Election of the Board of Directors in accordance with Article 15

4) Election of auditor and deputy auditor

5) Membership proposals, if these have been received by the Board of Directors no later than four days before the AGM.

6) Possibly.



Article 15

The Foreign Press Association’s Board consists of seven members, who are elected for one year at a time. The chairman is elected directly by the general meeting. Re-election can be made without restriction.

In the event of a change of chairman, the outgoing chairman automatically joins the Board for the following year as a supplementary member.

At elections to the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting, ordinary members have unrestricted voting rights. No media may be represented on the Board of Directors by more than one member.

The Board constitutes itself by electing a vice chairman, treasurer and secretary.

If a member of the Board of Directors resigns between two general meetings, the remaining members of the Board of Directors elect a successor for the remainder of the term of office.

Article 16

The Board of Directors manages the FPA in accordance with the articles of FPA and resolutions of the general meeting.

The chairman or, in his absence, the vice chairman convenes a meeting. Three of the board members may request a meeting to be called.

If at least half of the members participate, the Board has a quorum. Decisions are taken by a simple majority. In the event of a tie, the chairman’s vote is decisive.

Article 17

The Board of Directors may exclude a member if the membership fee is not paid within the current financial year, and this is notified in writing. The payment deadline must be stated on the payment slip.

If the Board deems it necessary for other reasons to exclude a member of the FPA, this must be submitted to the following AGM. The person concerned must be made aware of the processing of the case in writing and, if he or she attends, have the opportunity, after the Board’s statement, to present his or her views. At the AGM, the final decision is made.


Amendment of the Articles of Association and the Dissolution of the Association

Article 18

These Articles of Association and rules of Association can only be amended by a general meeting and provided that a proposal to this effect has been on the agenda. Amending resolutions require a two-thirds majority of those entitled to vote. Excluded from changes is Article 19 on the dissolution of the Association.

Article 19

Proposals for the dissolution of the Association can only be promoted if a general meeting, provided that a proposal to this effect has been on the agenda, resolves so by a two-thirds majority.

If this is the case, the proposal must be sent to a written ballot among the FPA’s voting members. If there is also a two-thirds majority in favour of the dissolution in the referendum, this must take place at the end of the current financial year.

Before dissolution takes effect, a final general meeting must be decide by a simple majority decision on the detailed provisions concerning the conversion of the FPA’s assets into a foundation.

These laws, adopted at the Annual General Meeting on 15 February 2001, replace the Foreign Press Association’s laws of 19 February 1998 and with the latest additions and amendments as of 21 June 2016 and 11 May 2023

Please note:

This is a translation of Vedtægter for Den udenlandske Presseforening i Danmark. In case of discrepancies between the Danish and English version, the Danish version shall prevail.